ForeVision Digital

Royalty Stats

Resso Profile Verified

Want to claim your artist profile on Resso? Here is the process.

Request for Resso Profile Claiming

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how it works


Submit Your Details to Claim your profle on Resso.


Our team will review your request and then proceed to team Resso


Our team will email you once the profile is claimed.

Frequently asked questions

Want to know more about ForeVision Digital, please visit here.

Post account verification –

  1. Please ask the artist to open the comment section of any of their songs.
  2. Checkmark the song intro checkbox (Refer to the 1st image)
  3. Post a test comment on their latest priority song.
  4. Start interacting regularly (Attention: the checkbox ONLY shows in the artist’s own tracks)


  • This is important to be done so that the Artist comments are automatically pinned on top for all tracks they comment on. (Refer to the 2nd image)
  • It is important and suggested to put in a 50–200-character length comment that speaks about the making of the song or an interesting incident for the song, with a CTA in the end, to drive engagement.