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How to set your songs as Airtel Hello Tunes using Wynk Music ?

How to set your songs as Airtel Hello Tunes using Wynk Music. Airtel gives their users free hello tune feature, now Airtel sim users can use the hello tune feature for free!

Steps to set your songs as Hello Tune:

STEP 1: Install the latest version of Wynk Music app or update the existing app on your iOS or Android device.

STEP 2: Launch Wynk Music app and tap on the “Hello Tunes” icon available on the top right corner of the app.

STEP 3: Then, select or play the song you want to set as Airtel caller tunes.

STEP 4: To enjoy free services, you will be required to confirm your Hello Tune on Wynk Music app every 30 days.

Wynk Music is a music streaming & downloading app, for every mood! From Rahman to Rihanna, it has over 2.8 million songs spanning Indian and International music. Stream & download songs on Wynk Music app & discover music from its huge library covering a host of genres including Bollywood, Pop, Rock, Bhangra, Devotional, Bhajans, Happy, Sad, Romantic, Party, Chill, Love & Old retro. Also, get access to music in Regional languages such as Punjabi, Bhojpuri, Rajasthani, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam & all other South Indian languages. In summary, we have music for all tastes!

Airtel customers can now set their favourite songs as hello/caller tunes for free through Wynk Music app. They can choose from Wynk Music library that comprises of 40 million songs and change the hello tunes as many times as they want. Users will only be required to renew the hello tunes monthly subscription via the app. All customers will be eligible for this exclusive benefit that has been introduced under Airtel’s Thanks programme on all prepaid and postpaid plans of Rs 129 and above.

On Wynk Music library, Airtel customers will get to choose songs from as many as 12 genres and 15 languages including English, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati, Haryanvi, Bhojpuri, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, Rajasthani, Malayalam and Kannada.

“We are happy to offer Wynk Music’s full catalogue as a ringback tone on a subscription-free basis as part of #AirtelThanks. ‘Hello Tunes’ is a product that Airtel mobile customers use to express themselves. Airtel mobile customers can now enjoy their favourite songs on Wynk Music and also at the click of a button set them as their Hello Tune,” said Sameer Batra, CEO, Content and Apps, Bharti Airtel.