ForeVision Digital

How to Upload My Song on Wynk Music ?

How to upload music on Wynk Music. Get your songs on India’s best music platforms such as Wynk, Gaana, Hungama, Resso, JioSaavn & etc. Also, get the Hello Tune features on Wynk Music.

ForeVision Digital offers the best digital distribution service for everyone. Now get your music everywhere with Indian music platforms. Choose any of our packages and get your music everywhere for a lifetime. ForeVision Digital offers two different packages for artists.

There are very small steps to get your music on Wynk Music.

  • Create an account to get your music on Wynk Music.
  • Select the ForeVision CRBT+ package on the upload page.
  • Upload your music and cover art to put your songs on Wynk Music.
  • Add music contributors so they get credited when your songs are played.
  • Get your music on Wynk Music in just 3 hours, also your song will be live on others platform too.
  • View your sales and streaming reports anywhere-anytime.
Wynk Music

Wynk Music is a music streaming & downloading app, for every mood! From Rahman to Rihanna, it has over 2.8 million songs spanning Indian and International music. Stream & download songs on Wynk Music app & discover music from its huge library covering a host of genres including Bollywood, Pop, Rock, Bhangra, Devotional, Bhajans, Happy, Sad, Romantic, Party, Chill, Love & Old retro. Also, get access to music in Regional languages such as Punjabi, Bhojpuri, Rajasthani, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam & all other South Indian languages. In summary, we have music for all tastes!