ForeVision Digital

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Where can I get the reports of my releases?

< 1 min read

The statistics of your earnings will be available after 90 days; after that, it will be updated every month. for example – January’s earnings would be available in April.

We are providing the dashboard with analytics where every detail will be mentioned. The automation tool is very smooth so there will be no delay in stats.

The dashboard is available here

  • First visit the above URL.
  • Create a new account by using the up method
  • As the dashboard is developed with a different language the same credentials will not work
  • Make sure to provide the same email ID with which you have uploaded the content
  • Fill some details about youself
  • Tada! Your automated analytics is ready to access
  • Now you can easily view detailed report or any song

Artists or labels can easily withdraw their royalty through the dashboard.